Tortilla : Step 1
Half n half Semolina flour and APF - 150 / 150
EVO - 30 grams
Instant yeast - 8 grams
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Hot water - 180 ml (Approximately)
* Mix both the flour into a bowl, along with the yeast.
* Add oil, salt and water gradually and knead a smooth dough.
* Divide it into medium sized balls.
* Cover and let them rest for 20 - 30 minutes.
* Grease and heat a non stick pan
* Then roll them out individually into 8” in diameter round circle and cook them on both the sides
* Cover them with a kitchen towel till they cool completely
Cheese sauce : 2.1
* Melt some butter in a skillet
* Add 2 tbs APF
* Whisk the mixture till smooth
* Add 1 cup of whole milk and boil the mixture till it thickens
* Add to it 1/4 tsp salt
* Cayenne Pepper - 1/8 tsp
* whisk it and turn off the stove
* Add 200 grams of grated cheddar cheese
* Mix it well till the cheese is melted and smoothens (if needed switch on the stove but don't * over heat the cheese)
* The creamy Cheese sauce is ready
Pico de Gallo: 2.2
1 big seedless Tomato
1 big chopped Red Onion
4 tbs of Cilantro
2 tbs of Lemon Juice
Salt as per taste
* Mix everything in a bowl and cover it
* Refrigerate till assemble
Guacamole :2.3
Deseed and mashed Avocado - 2 big sized
Chopped Red Onion - 1 small sized
Deseed and chopped Tomato - 1 big sized
Chopped Cilantro - 1 tbs
Lemon Juice - 1 tbs
Black Pepper 1/4 tsp
Salt as per taste
* Mix everything in a bowl and cover it with cling sheet
* Refrigerate till assemble
Mexican Rice : 2.4
Cooked Rice - 2 cup
EVO - 2 tbs
Black beans - 1 cup (can)
Bell pepper (green n red) - 1/2 cup
Garlic powder - 1/2 tsp
Chopped onion - 1/2 cup
Black pepper - sprinkle some
Mexican mix - 1 tbs
Lemon Juice / Vinegar - 1 tsp
Tomato pulp - 2 tbs
Salt as per taste
* In a skillet pour oil,
* Add onion and tomato pulp
* Add all the spices and salt
* Mix it well
* Add Bell peppers and saute it for a minute
* Finally add rice and beans
* Add lemon juice
* Give it a good stir and cover it for few minutes
* Let it cool before assembling
Red Enchilada Sauce : 2.5
EVO - 3 tbs
WWF / APF / GFF - 3 tbs
Red Chilli Powder - 1 tbs (adjust your taste)
Cumin Powder - 1 tsp
Garlic Powder - 1/2 tsp
Dried Oregano - 1/4 tsp
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Cinnamon Powder - a pinch
Tomato paste - 2 tbs
Vegetable broth - 2 cups
ACV /WDV - 1 tsp
Black Pepper Powder - sprinkle some
* In a skillet heat the oil and whisk the APF
* Add tomato paste and all the dried ingredients
* Whisk everything and pour slowly all the broth
* Whisk till there is no lumps left
* Cover the skillet with a lid
* Let it simmer for few minutes till the sauce thickens
* Whisk in-between so that it doesn't stick to the base of the skillet
* Once it's cool it will thicken more so keep an eye on the thickness of the sauce
* Taste it and adjust according to your taste
* Let it cool before you assemble
* The rich Enchilada Sauce is ready
Preparation for Stuffing: Step 3
In a blender, add 200 grams / 1 can of cooked Black Beans, 1 small Onion and salt as per taste
Blend the above ingredients till it turns into smooth mixture
In a plate assemble -
1 medium sized sliced Green bell pepper
1 bowl of Mexican Rice (ref. 2.4)
Pica de Gallo (ref. 2.2)
Cheese sauce (ref. 2.1)
Guacamole - (ref. 2.3)
Jalapeño - chopped
Red chilli Flakes - as per taste
Readymade Mexican mix Flakes
Red enchilada Sauce (2.5)
Step 4
* Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius
Assembling the burritos : Step 5
* Take a tortilla in a plate and place a spoon and half of the blended bean mixture in the centre
* Spread the mixture towards the sides
* Add a tbs of Mexican rice
* A spoon of pica do gallo
* Some slices of green bell pepper
* Some Jalapeño
* A tbs of Guacamole
* A tbs of Cheese sauce
* Sprinkle readymade Mexican mix flakes
* Red chilli flakes
* Make it a wrap and keep aside
* Assemble all of them the same way
* Lightly grease a pan with EVO or cooking spray
* Spread first layer with the Mexican sauce
* Place the burritos in line, touching each other
* Pour the Mexican source over them and finally some cheese sauce, some guacamole, few sliced black olives
* Place the pan in the oven for not more then 5 - 6 minutes or till it starts bubbling on the sides
* Remove and garnish with some chopped cilantro
Enjoy this hot Mexican smothered Vegetarian Burrito with some Nachos, Cheese sauce and Pica de Gallo. Don't forget to cheers with a glass of Margarita or Mojito.

You can also add roasted veggies or saute some Spinach with EVO.